What is average? Are you average? Am I average?
Questions that nobody really has the answer to.
Alex and Brett write in their book that they don't think average teenagers exist. You can tell if someone is "not average" because they do things that you, and most of your peers don't usually do, or vise versa.
I believe that average teens do exist. "Average" teenagers are the ones who think of life as one giant holiday, where they can sit back, and relax, and just coast their way by-not having to leave their comfort zones, and put effort into anything. Because of this, teenagers nowadays are stereotyped as lazy and immature, and are treated as such. Is this fair to those of us who actually take life seriously? No.
So what can we do about it? We raise the bar. We show the world that this generation is not a generation that's just going to say Oh, maybe I'll get to that tomorrow or the next day. But rather, we "Get R Done" When life throws rocks at us we don't run and hide, and take the easy way out. We stand strong and and find a way to get through it rather that away from it-stretching out of our comfort zones to reach a new level of maturity and raising the bar of the world's expectations for teenagers.
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